Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Taco Night

Anytime I hear that we are having tacos for dinner, I get really excited, and for good reason! Don't you agree? It is hard to find someone who doesn't love a good taco, but I think all of us taco lovers know that we definitely aren't focusing on health when eating a taco, but rather, our focus is solely on flavor.  As I was pouring out the grease for my taco meat last week, and mixing in the orange powder which gives it that flavor we seem to love, I realized I must find an alternative way to eat a taco, and it must be healthy.  Turns out, it's super easy!  By simply replacing the greasy, flavored, ground beef with chicken, and replacing the typical toppings (cheese, sour cream, etc) with fresh vegetables, I was able to enjoy a fresh, tasty, taco!

Yellow pepper

1. Cook the chicken--I fried it in a pan for 10 minutes on both sides.
2. Cut up/shred up the chicken.
3. Put the chicken and all of the toppings into a tortilla.

Simple--I'm sure you are all pros at making tacos and don't need these listed, but including directions is a part of the deal, so there they are! :)

The ingredients I used are by no means the only options, of course.  Use whatever veggies you love and feel free to add some spices as well.  I was shocked to find that a taco still felt like a taco, even without cheese, sour cream, and "taco seasoning", which now seems to define a taco in most households.  Next time, I am going to add a spicy pepper to this mix as a topping!

I must admit, I am no chef and I am not the best at making my plate of food look pretty, but the colors of the photos definitely help my cause.  I love using naturally colored ingredients, like peppers! They make the meal a whole lot more interesting, and a whole lot more healthy.

I encourage you to make your next taco night, a healthy taco night!


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